Elenor Jane Duffin born October 12th 2011 at 4:49 pm weighing in at 5lbs 11oz and 19inches long. These pics are just some of the fun we had those few days in the hospital!
The pic where I am holding a pillow was the beginning where I was getting an epidural. The rest, I think, are pretty self explanatory.
As for the story, here goes...My in-laws had come into townon Sunday the 9th with the expectation of a baby to be here on account that Jack was 2 weeks early. But she hadn't. SO, I called and made an appt with the doc for Tuesday the 11th and asked if she would induce me even though I was only 39.5 weeks. She said, I'll see what I can do And she did!!
The next morning we checked into the hospital and I started pitosin around 10am. The contractions started to get pretty intense by 230pm so I decided I was no soldier and got the epidural (best idea ever). Around 4:00pm I told the nurse that I was pretty sure that it was go time and she checked...sure enough, it was. However, we had to wait for the mid-wife AND my nurse to get there. That was the most interesting feeling ever! Anyways, everything went smoothly and at about 4:50pm I finally started pushing and she was delivered at 4:59pm. Of course I got a mirror and of course I thought it was the coolest thing ever!
Its now been a week and the babe is perfectly healthy and I am feeling so great.
We have a great life and have been SO blessed with a happy and healthy family!!